
CAS CL5000 Series Label Printing Scales


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Can you get a powerful label-printing scale at an affordable price? Yes, if you choose CAS Scales’ CL5000 Series Label Printing Scales. Great for use in supermarkets, specialty stores, delicatessens and more — these digital scales have 60-pound capacity dual ranges, menu code systems, and multiple barcode formats in English, Chinese, Korean or Spanish characters.

Why these digital scales? CAS Scales’ CL5000 Series Label Printing Scales feature 3,000 PLUs and 1,000 ingredients standard — with 10,000 PLUs and 1,500 ingredients as an option. They also have speed keys, 50 standard label formats and up to 20 custom labels, and high-speed thermal printers. Plus, all three models come with the CL-Works software package.

Why Prime USA Scales? We are digital scale experts, with years of experience helping grateful customers acquire the right scales for their needs. Our focus is on durability and longevity — so we offer quality-built USA-made scales that will last for many years. And, shipping is always free!


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