Sartorius Micro Balances


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If you need micro balances providing results that unconditionally measure up to the strictest requirements of the law and quality management systems, you are in the right place. Sartorius’ Micro Balances and Ultra Micro Balances off incomparably fast response and display of weighing results and exceptional repeatability to meet the very highest demands for accurate weighing.


Why these micro balances? Sartorius Micro Balances and Ultra Micro Balances offer complete functionality for use as measuring and test equipment, with fully automatic calibration and adjustment via isoCAL, SQmin for displaying the minimum allowable sample quality according to the USP, S.U.R.E. display of uncertainly of measurement to comply with stringent accuracy standards, and 14 built-in application programs as standard features.


Why Prime USA Scales? As digital scale experts, we have years of experience helping loyal customers acquire the right scales for their needs. Because we focus on durability and longevity, we offer quality-built USA-made scales that will last for years to come — and we never charge for shipping!


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