Portion Control Scales

Restaurant owners, bakeries, butcher shops, and parents have all been on the receiving end of complaints about portion size. Customers and kids grouse that portions are too small or unevenly distributed. Portion control scales can help.

Dieticians, nutritionists, and pharmacists make recommendations according to precise measurements. Persons who must follow their recommendations, and the medical professionals who attend to those patients, rely on accurate measurements from digital portion control scales to ensure they are providing the correct amount of specific foods, nutrients, or medications.

At Prime USA Scales, we offer a large selection of portion control scales that accurately measure food by weight. Some models print out labels and compute prices. Others count pieces. Some are approved as legal for trade applications. Whatever your need for a food weighing scale, Prime USA Scales can fill it. Browse our collection of scales for weighing food portions to find a device that will work for you. Or choose a commercial scale that will provide a label with weight and price.

At home, a food portion scale can avoid sibling arguments. With our highly accurate scales for weighing food portions, you’ll shut down the “Hey! She got more than I did!” dinner table squabbles before they start. Shop our collection of portion control scales today!

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